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Opposing a trade mark application in Bulgaria

Key points to keep in mind when filing opposition against a Bulgarian trade mark application

When you encounter a trade mark application that is identical or similar to the one you already have registered or used, the usual approach is to object to its registration by filing an opposition...

30 January 2017
Milena Kichashka
Unregistered trade marks in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian trade mark law acknowledges the rights in earlier unregistered trade marks, but the protection is rather restricted

The various national jurisdictions of the EU have different approach on unregistered trade marks. Some like France and Spain do not recognize them. In others like Denmark the acquisition of trade mark rights without registration is rather easy. The UK recognizes passing-off. Still others pose specific requirements for use and recognition of the mark, in order to grant protection. Bulgaria is of the latter.

06 December 2016
Milena Kichashka
Black Friday is now a registered trade mark in Bulgaria. Is it enforceable, though?

The term Black Friday was successfully registered as a trade mark even for retail services. Exactly how worrisome is this registration?

Earlier this year the Bulgarian Patent Office registered the word mark BLACK FRIDAY and its translation into Bulgarian (ЧЕРЕН ПЕТЪК) for various services in class 35, including services such as presentation of goods...

25 November 2016
Milena Kichashka